1.         Teacher’s Name                             :                       Muhammad Arfeen

2.         Subject                                              :                       English

3.         Topic                                                 :                       Adverb          

4.         Class/Section                                  :                       X-C

5.         Period / Time                                   :                                                       :

6.         Date                                                   :                      

General Objectives


7.         (a)       To develop English writing skills in students.

(b)       To enhance efficiency of English language.

(c)        To overcome grammar’s mistakes in students.


Specific Objectives


8.         After this lesson the students will be able to:-

(a)       Define the Adverb.

            (b)       Use of Adverb.

            (c)        Identify the Adverb and its kind from sentences.


 Previous Knowledge


9.            Students have the basic idea of the sentences and  parts of speech.


Audio Visual Aids


10.         White board, board marker, duster, pointer, Test of students at the end of the lesson (Activity).




11.       Students! Be attentive:-


Q         Have you seen a butterfly?


Q         How butterfly look like?


Q         How butterfly flies:-


(While students are replying, instructor will write down their comments on white board and mark the adverb).


Statement of Aim of the Lesson


12.       Students! In this period we shall study about Adverb and its two kinds. Adverb of manner and adverb of place. 










Subject Matter


Trg Aids




1.         A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.


Kinds of Adverb


2. (a)   Adverb of Place

    (b)   Adverb of Manner




Q,        How can we define an Adverb?


Examples:  He is very happy today.


Q.           What is Adverb of Place?

He lives near Karachi.


Q         He walks nicely.

White Board


Board Marker




14.       Go over the main points of today’s lesson.




15.       Invite the class to ask questions regarding today’s topic if they have.  Then ask the following questions:-


(a)          Define Adverb?

(b)          What are the kinds of Adverb?

(c)          Give examples?



            Write down ten adverbs from written activity and also identify their types. (Activity sheet distributed to all students).


Home Work


16.       Write down five sentences (in your note books)  in which adverb is being used. Also underline the adverbs




17.       Students! This was all about today’s topic.  In the next period we shall continue the remaining types of noun.


Supervisor’s Remarks

18.      ____________________________________________________________
