1.         Teacher’s Name                             :                       Muhammad Arfeen

2.         Subject                                              :                       English

3.         Topic                                                 :                       Present Indefinite Tense   

4.         Class/Section                                  :                       X-C

5.         Period / Time                                   :                                       :

6.         Date                                                   :                      

General Objectives


7.         (a)       To develop English writing skills in students.

(b)       To enhance efficiency of English language.

(c)        To develop skill of translation from any language to English


Specific Objectives


8.         After this lesson the students will be able to:-

(a)       Write/speak the sentences of present Indefinite tense.

            (b)       Explain the structure of present Indefinite tense.

            (c)        Differentiate between sentences according to tenses.


 Previous Knowledge


9.        Students have the basic idea of the sentences and parts of speech. 


Audio Visual Aids


10.      White board, board marker, duster, pointer.  Test of students at the end of the lesson (Activity).




11.       Students! Be attentive and ask the following question? 


I am writing.

He goes to school.

He will go to school.


Q.   What is difference between two sentences? 

           Q.   Which tense is being used for routine job and universal truths?


Students! Your views are good. 


Statement of Aim of the Lesson


12.    Students! In this period we shall discuss present Indefinite tense its structure and uses of and its exercise. 




Subject Matter


Trg Aids





1.         An action refers to present time is called present indefinite tense.



2.         Subject+Verb+Object



3.         (a)       To express habitual action.

            (b) To express universal truths.

            (c) To express future events that                   has fix time table and                      programme.

Write heading, on the board and ask the following question.


Q         What is meant by             universal truth?



            I write this letter.

            I go to Lahore.

            The sun rises in the East.



            He drinks tea everyday.

            Fortune favours the             brave.

            The train leaves at 5.50.

White Board


Board Marker






14.       Go over the main points of the lesson.




15.       Invite the class to ask questions regarding today’s topic if they have.  Then ask the following questions:-


(a)          Define present indefinite tense.

(b)          What is use of present indefinite tense?   (Each student will tell one use)

(c)        What is the structure of the present indefinite tense?



            Call some students on the board and ask them to write one sentence of the present indefinite tense.  Also write some simple Urdu sentences and ask student to translate them into English.


Home Work


16.       Write down ten sentence of present Indefinite tense from Lesson No 6 of your English text book in your note books. 




17.       Students! This was all about today’s topic.  In the next period we shall study present perfect tense.


Supervisor’s Remarks


18.       _____________________________________________________________