1.         Teacher’s Name                             :                       Muhammad Arfeen

2.         Subject                                              :                       English

3.         Topic                                                 :                       The Verb       

4.         Class/Section                                  :                       X-C

5.         Period / Time                                   :                       ___________                               :

6.         Date                                                   :                       ___________

General Objectives


7.         (a)       To develop English writing skills in students.

(b)       To enhance efficiency of English language.

(c)        To overcome grammar’s mistakes in students.


Specific Objectives


8.         After this lesson the students will be able to:-

(a)       Define the Verb.

            (b)       Use the form of in sentences.

            (c)        Identify the verb and its role in the sentences.


 Previous Knowledge


9.                     Students have the basic idea of the sentences, phrases and the clauses. They also know to make simple sentences according to grammar rules.


Audio Visual Aids


10.                   White board, board marker, duster, pointer, Test of students at the end of the lesson (Activity).




11.       Students! Be attentive:-


Q         What are parts of speech?

Q         Name various parts of speech?

Q         Which part of speech reminds you an action?



Statement of Aim of the Lesson


12.       Students! In this period we shall study about the verb and its different kinds.





Subject Matter


Trg Aids




1.         Verb is an action or state of something. 


Kinds of Verb


2..        (a)       Transitive

            (b)       Intransitive






Q         What is meant by auxiliary?

Q         What is meant by state?

Q         What is action?


White Board


Board Marker




14.       Go over the main points of today’s lesson.




17. Invite the class to ask questions regarding today’s topic if they have.  Then ask the following questions:-


What is verb?

What is intransitive verb?

18. How many forms of verb are there?



            Divide the students in groups of two each and give them a written exercise. Ask them to identify verb from a given paragraph.


Home Work


16.       Identify verbs and mention their kinds from lesson Khalid Bin Waleed of your text book in your note books.




17.     Students! This was all about today’s topic.  In the next period we shall continue the remaining types of noun.


Supervisor’s Remarks

